About Me

Hii! I don't know if you have a website or not BUT LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING... writing an intro is hardddd. Anyways welcome to my little corner of the web, i decided to make my own website mostly because i was bored and wanted something to do,this site is mostly for me but if you want to look around feel free to! (Best viewed on a computer) I hope you enjoy your stay if you want this theme and layout you can find it here and if you want to host your own website you can do it here!

What i spend my free time doing: Reading, Going out with friends, working on my website, revising, Listening to music, Video calling friends

Where to find me onthe inernet:Wellllll.... I don't really use social media so you can only find me on Pinterest and Spotify


(no longer active)

06/11/2023 2:26pm

Hi! The reason there haven't been any blogs for 2 months is becuase i've moved to a paper journal for this kind of thing, Not for any complex reason, i just prefer writing on paper instead of typing on a computer. So don't expect any blogs in the future :)


18/09/2023 1:37pm

In school rn, i finished all the work so i decided to finally add photos to the photo album and update the graphics corner! Im getting braces this week which won't be very fun but it is what it is. Not much else is happening at the moment so that's about it!


16/09/2023 2:53pm

Okkkkkkk So as of today im going to be posting updates on my site and my life! Apparently Blogging can help with: personal growth, self-expression and mindfullness sooo we'll see how it goes! Any way nothing has been going on today i've added this Blog section AND a photo album becuase why not?
